After the first one and the sequel they for some reason thought that it was time for another one and this one had to be better than Ocean's Twelve, which afterwards the cast and crew

themselves weren't that crazy about. Nowadays almost everything has to turned into a trilogy in Hollywood, therefore also the Ocean's series. So this summer they're back with Ocean's Thirteen. Gone is Europe and gone are the Julias and Catherines. Still there are Danny Ocean and his men. New are Al Pacino and Ellen Barkin, who's the new leading lady of this latest installment. I have to say I myself wasn't very fond of Ocean's Twelve either. It was fun, but the story was way too confusing. At the end you weren't entirely sure of what exactly had taken place. But it was fun and it was partly shot at the beautiful train station of the city I live in, Haarlem, which was presented though as being part of Amsterdam. With ocean's 13 the men go back to the casinos from the first film and it seems they did find back their cool.
What is it about?Reuben, one of Danny's crewmembers, is lying in the hospital after getting unwell. The reason for his pain is Willie Bank, played by Al Pacino,

who was supposed to build a hotel together with Reuben, but who decides to cut Reuben out off the deal. Fortunately Reuben has ten friends that can put up a good heist and help him out to get Bank bankrupt. The plan is to make it all happen on the big grand opening of Banks new casino. To get their revenge the team starts taking the measures to pull of this major plan. A big fake nose, some earthquakes and a highly expensive Samsung mobile phone are all part of the plan.
Final Verdict: ***1/2This one was much better that Ocean's Twelve. The team kind of went back to their roots. The story was nice and easy to follow and the way all their little plans come together at the end is a delight, just like in the first one. The slick music was back too, which is always a feast to listen to

and which adds a lot to the Las Vegas atmosphere. Ocean's 13 is hilghly entertaining and maybe even better than Ocean's Eleven. It's really a film you have to see with some cool friends. Just kick back, relax and take it all in. Ocean's 13 delivers pure fun after a hard day of work. With this one they nicely finish off the series, in which admitting, I did lose some interest. It's been a long while since the first one, so it was time to get this series over with. Ocean's 13 is definitely one of the better summer movies and turns out to be a great way to end the adventures of Danny Ocean and his crew, while secretely longing for a little bit more.
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