I have to thank MTV for giving me this education on Spanish director Bigas Luna with showing four of his films. After Jamón, Jamón last week, now it was time for Las Edades De Lulú an adaptation of a novel with the same title. Starting off very witty, I thought

maybe this one could be as enjoyable as Jamón, Jamón or maybe even better. Also with a lot of sex scenes, as the movie progressed they happened to get more explicit and kind of freaky. I have to say I really enjoyed the first part of the film where Lulú is still a young girl exploring her sexuality. Even though the film is a lot about sex, it doesn't make you feel awkward watching it. Because Luna doesn't romanticize the scenes it makes it possible for the viewer to really relate to the characters and their experiences. Lulú seems kind of clumsy sometimes, not knowing exactly what she is doing sexually, which helps in making the viewer understand all this has to be taken lightly. Like Jamón, Jamón, this film also mixes comedy with tragedy. Reaching the end, the film becomes darker as Lulú starts to fall in the hands of wrong men who make her take part in sexual acts, she doesn't want to be part of. At this point the comedy has given space for the tragedy. Whether I like this change I'm not quite sure yet. But I do like that at the end the film turns darker and starts to show a serious subject, taking itself also more serious. But it is the aggresiveness of the sex scenes that make me unsure if the film had to become this dark. At the end their was a lot of nudity, making it look very vulgar, almost as if watching porn. Another thing what was kind of distasteful was the fact that at some point Lulú, without knowing, has sex with her own brother, who always thought she looked really good, but kept distance, because they are brother and sister. Aside from all of this, the film has good character development and Francesca Neri gives a very nice performance as Lulú. She has a really beautiful face and I had a feeling I had seen her before, but I'm not sure yet which film it could have been. But maybe it was an Italian one, considering Neri is actually Italian, even though it's a Spanish film. And as I expected Ely, a tranvestite in the film, was actually played by a real woman. Somehow I can definitely see the difference.
What is it about?
Lulú, a young woman falls in love with Pablo when she is still a student. Helping her explore her sexuality the two make love on Pablo's couch, taking away Lulú's innocence. Being a good friend of her brother, Pablo and Lulú soon after having met, get married. Instead of having a

big glamorous wedding, they keep it very simple. The next step is having a daughter, since Pablo always said he would love to have a daughter like Lulú. They now live together, and even though they're happily married and are parents, they keep experiencing with sex and are still very attracted to each other sexually. When one day the two of them watch a tranvestite in a bar, called Ely, they start to include other people in their acts of sex. This leads to a party where Lulú gets blindfolded and thinking she's making love to Pablo, she instead makes love to her own brother, Marcelo, whom is helped by Pablo himself. Not sure if she feels disgusted by this she does leave Pablo, eventually getting interested in gay sex. As she starts exploring the dark underworld of pleasure and sex on her own she gets involved with dangerous people, making Pablo the only one who can help her.
Final Verdict: ***I have to say I liked it less than Jamón, Jamón. This one just didn't had a big climax and had actually a bit of a lousy ending. The nudity and sex scenes kind of took over, even though I am capable of seeing through it all and concentrate on the characters. I thought this film was nice at the beginning, it only started a bit slow. Bigas Luna definitely is talented and I really like his style. But this film turns a bit too dark balancing on the edge of tastefulness and disgust. The sex scenes are very graphic and the loud moaning of Neri made me lower

the volume not wanting people to think I'm watching very bad porn. Films with scenes like this really makes you wonder if some actors really have sex during the shooting. Idon't think so, but it could be since they really are butt naked and seem to be really going for it. Next week there will be another Luna film called La Teta I La lluna, and by the look of the preview they showed during commercial break, this really could be a nice one and it seemed the story is similar to the movie Malèna by Italian director Giuseppe Tornatore, which I very much enjoyed.
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