Starting with a chat session between an older guy and a teenage girl, at first glance Hard Candy seems to be the well known story of a guy trying to pick up younger girls, eventually leading to a dissapearance and a search around town. But this

time the girl who agrees to meet the guy in public knows exactly what she's doing and is well aware of the consequences. She isn't blinded by some kind of teenage love and definitely will not be taking advantage of. Instead, she got some things up her sleeve that he doesn't know about. Shot in a flashy music video type of style, Hard Candy delivers powerful performances by two not (yet) so famous actors. Trying to put a new take on a concept used a gazillion of times, Hard Candy succeeds in being fresh and original. This time the so called damsel isn't in distress, it's the guy who's after her that is. Director David Slade gradually raises up the tension like a modern day Hitchcock, leaving his audience in suspense of what might come. The editing is great switching between shots of her taking a shower or running up the roof while he is trying to untie the ropes that keep him at distance. As a viewer you feel the tension rise between these two characters that are after each other like cat and mouse. Turning the film into a psychological game, leaving its audience in the dark of what is real and what isn't, you wonder how far this girl is really willing to go. Director Slade knows to hide the real intentions of Hailey very well, keeping the feeling of unsureness alive. Added to this is the outstanding performance by Ellen Page, who pulls it off to play both sweet and innocent and at the same time out of her mind crazy. Patrick Wilson, who plays Jeff, the guy who's terrorised with this girl games, succeeds in hiding his character's identity perfectly never showing any signs that convince you of him being the pedofile Hailey thinks he is.
What is it about?A guy, Jeff Kohlver and a girl, Hayley Stark meet up after some chats on the internet. At first it seems Hailey is just another naïve teenager not fully aware of what she's setting in motion, being an actual prey for what seems to be a pedofile. However when Jeff meets his little girl, she seems to be showing the confidence of a mature woman instead of a teenager,

being fully aware of whom she's dealing with. Though noticing he isn't dealing with the usual victim, she does go with him to his house, making him decide to play along. When she refuses to take a drink that he mixed, because of the drugs he might put in it, he knows this is going to be though. But at the same time it isn't really clear what Jeff wants either. Is he really a pedofile, or is he just someone who got a bit too far by actually meeting with the girl he chats with? What if he isn't at all this bad guy that Hailey seems to think he is? These are questions that keep popping up into your head while you're watching Hailey's little plan unfold.
Final Verdict: ****1/2A well made, strong powerful psychological thriller, Hard Candy keeps you on the edge of your seat constantly putting questions in your head and making you think. Presented with lots of close-ups of both Hailey's and Jeff's face, the camera tries to take you inside Hailey's head, keeping you guessing of what it is she wants, just as Jeff is trying to figure it all out himself too. As a viewer you feel just as trapped as he is, as you're watching a game unfold played by this saddistic girl. Who is the real bad guy, is it him or is it her? This film shows how everyone is just another human being. Just because someone is attracted to little girls,

doesn't mean you can't care for him or feel sorry for what he goes through. Watching Hard Candy you're stuck between feeling sorry for Jeff, even if it's just a tiny bit and rooting for him to untie the ropes and escape, and at the same the feeling that he gets what he deserves, choosing Hailey's side. Hard Candy is a fascinating disturbing thriller that grabs you by the throat and doesn't let go, not until Hailey decides to do so.
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