So after another long month of movies it's time to pick the best 3 of June. Overall it was another interesting month with very diverse films. The three that made the list however are films that either really surprised me, because I had no idea they would be this good or that made clear to me once again why the director of the film has gained so much praise among his peers for the work he creates.
1. The Station AgentA wonderful film, that really moved me and tells a beautiful story about dealing with being different. With some of the sweetest characters, this story shows

that there are people out there who don't care how you look, but love you for who you are on the inside. A great debut by actor and first time director Thomas McCarthy who made a perfect little gem of a film. Never did a film touch me so much emotionally, I really love it. I can only hope his next film will be as good as this one.
2. Duo Luo Tian ShiOnly my second Wong Kar Wai film, Duo Luo Tian Shi (Fallen Angels) made even more clear to me why he's considered such a great filmmaker. A great piece of cinema,

Duo Luo Tian Shi is a film with amazing cinematography and also a very nice story about life in the big city seen through the eyes of different characters. Wong Kar Wai really is gifted and makes beautiful films. A lot of directors working in Hollywood today can learn a lot from this guy.
3. VertigoI didn't review this one, 'cause it was my second time watching it and it really feels like it doesn't need a review. Already a true classic this film which need no introduction is directed by the one and only Alfred Hitchcock. I love all his films. The way he creates suspense and

has a perfect eye for every detail is just amazing. One of the best filmmakers to have ever walked this earth. Even though I really like Vertigo just as much as I seem to like every Hitchcock film, except for Marnie, my favourites will always be Rear Window, Strangers On A Train and The Man Who Knew Too Much.
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