Cristian Mungiu has made one of the most gripping films of last year, making you feel as if you're really part of the two main characters' life. Both students, these young girls

have sex with their boyfriends just like any other girl and sometimes they end up pregnant. Young as they are a long future still ahead of them, being a mother is not exactly what they dream of becoming. No wonder so many young girls therefore make the decision to let it be taken away, at a moment the baby is not yet full grown. Using a lot of static shots, Mungiu takes his audience so close to these two characters, it's almost as if you're going through the experiences with them, as if you're silently sitting in a corner at a distance observing these characters while they make some lifechanging decisions. Almost claustrophobic-like, making it impossible for the spectator to look away, the camera doesn't turn away, making it impossible for you to escape. It's like it's ordering you to watch this, to witness this so you will know what some girls in Romania go through and how far they go risking their lifes for an abortion, putting their lives in the hands of a person they hardly know. Both actresses who play the two girls make their characters look smart, but very naive as well. Especially Gabriela, who is getting the abortion, seems to not be truly aware of the consequences and seriousness of the cause, not obeying to the demands of the guy who will do the abortion. She seems somewhat careless, but at the same time you can see in her expressions she indeed knows what she's doing and her foolish behaviour is mostly a result of fright. Anamaria Marinca, the actress surrounded by lots of buzz, and who plays Otilia, Gabriela's helpful friends, proofs all the raves for her acting are legit. She has this naturalness in the way she delivers her dialogue and is an actress who a lot of people would not mind having to listen to non-stop. With a lot of subtlety she gives way to her characters deeply felt emotions. During a scene at her boyfriend's house who's mother is celebrating her birthday, sitting at a table having dinner around people she doesn't know, in a very long take, she keeps her character so alive that there's not a single moment in that scene she loses hold of her character's feelings. Looking at her posture, the expressions on her face, the thoughts racing through her head come to speak to the audience physically. It's a beautiful part to play and she does it magnificently. 4 Luni, 3 Saptamani Si 2 Zile (4 Months, 3 Weeks And 2 Days) deservedly won the Palme D'or, being a film that is very political showing the situation of these girls, which is representative for the social situation of a lot of young people. It shows what's going on in Romania apart from this great new cinema that seems to have risen up. With 4 Luni, 3 Saptamani Si 2 Zile Mungiu has put himself on the map and with him Romania's new promising cinema. Let's hope his next project will be as good and he won't be eaten up by Hollywood and the big studios.
What Is It About?On what seems to be an ordinary day, two girls get themselves ready to set up a meeting. Sharing a room in a student flat these girls are studying hard and are representative for the bright new generation of Romania. However, just like any other girls they also make mistakes nomatter how smart they are or how hard they study. When it comes to sex and boyfriends they too seem to forget to use protection or even themselves decide to be less careful than they know they should be, being very much aware of the consequences their actions can bring.

For Gabriela it's already to late and together with her roommate Otilia she sets up a meeting with a guy who might be able to help her. Not wanting her baby, she has decided she wants to undergo an abortion. Having saved all their money Otilia tries to get a hotel room for the abortion to take place, one which Gabriela should have booked before, but it turned out she didn't. After meeting the guy who will be doing the abortion it becomes clear to Otilia that not booking the hotel room isn't the only rule Gabriela broke and there is more she promised to arrange but ended up not to, which leads to a less than solid start with the guy who is about to perform the abortion. Not following his demands the girls have to face the consequences.
Final Verdict: *****4 Luni, 3 Saptamani Si 2 Zile doesn't let go. It sticks until the end. The way the camera follows Otilia, shot from the back, you walk with her, while she heads into this frightening journey. It's nice to see a film in which there went so much thought in how to depict the story and what are the best means to do it. 4 Luni, 3 Saptamani Si 2 Zile feels very realistic throughout. The characters look very ordinary, there's nothing glamorous about their situation and it shows. The scenes that are shot in the dark give you quite the creeps, especially thinking

about what Otilia is about to do at that moment. Mungiu has made the perfect film which is a great fit for this story. His depiction is honest, thoughtful and therefore really lingers. It's a film which shows how you should bring to life a subject like this to really grab people's attention, but which stays truthful and doesn't dramatize it in a way only to reach a greater emotional response from its audience. Watch it to learn about these young women out there and spread the word.
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