I watched La Dolce Vita (The Sweet Life) in two parts, not knowing at first that it was such a long film and when I started watching it I was already a bit tired so I thought it would be better to continue the next day and I did. Dolce is a real classic, loved by many, so I couldn't wait to finally see it. Also it's a Fellini film and turns out I had never seen one of his before. I've seen films by De Sica, Rossellini, Scola, and Antonioni, but never before Fellinni, so it was about time. La Dolce Vita shows the life of journalist Marcello (Marcello Mastroianni) and the people who he meets, his paparazzi friends, his relationships with women both young and old, famous and unknown, but also shows him meeting his father after a long absence and how he copes with losing an old friend. It shows the sweet life which turns out isn't always that sweet. Behind the glamour people want to believe that is constantly around, Marcello has to deal with issues every other person has to come and deal with and find himself on a path of self discovery having to figure out where this life will take him in the future. Mastroianni plays him wonderfully. He truly has this elegance of these old film stars, a gentleman, a real charmer for which beautiful women like Anita Ekberg and Anouk Aimée easily fall for, and at the same time he has this sensitivity, these eyes which are able to show his weaker side and give way to his inner struggles. Fellinni perfectly manages to capture the spirit of Rome and its high society, people who seem obsessed with the lush life, are in awe of every movie star, and wander parties of the rich and famous searching for a place where they can feel to belong. The music from Nino Rota wonderfully accompanies the images on screen, making La Dolce a very inviting, accessable and entertaining film.
Verdict: A great look at the lives of Rome's upper class citizens who dwell around the city wandering parties until early morning. It's a sweet life for those who don't get lost. Marcello Mastroianni perfectly portrayes its main character who ends up having to deal with the not so nice aspects of life some people tend to forget. A wonderful vivid, energetic and exciting film.