Like The Story Of The Weeping Camel, Die Höhle Des Gelben Hundes (The Cave Of The Yellow Dog) tells a fictional story made with a group of non-actors, therefore enhancing the documentary style of the film. Apart from telling a fictional story the film shows the life of a real Mongolian family, observing them in their everyday environment. Most of the dialogue even is said to be unscripted with the 'actors' improvising. It's a nice mix of documentary with fiction which works extremely well, never feeling forced but showing true and sincere emotions. Though at times you can't help wondering what is real and what is not. Because the ever present camera it's hard to tell what is staged and what is not and what is really true. This however doesn't take away from the viewing experience. Die Höhle Des Gelben Hundes is a very sweet film showing how beautiful and simple the life of this Mongolian family is and how strong their appreciation for all that they have. At first glance they don't seem to have that much, but they have everything they need which is enough to establish a healthy life and it truly shows how much Western countries have, most of which can be said to be way too much and much more than is actually necessary.
Verdict: A sweet and touching film which mixes fiction and documentary in a way which works extremely well. It's a film both young and old will love and embrace. If you liked Story Of The Weeping Camel you will love this one just as much.
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