Sunday, 3 February 2008

Into The Wild

Into The Wild is Sean Penn's fourth feature length film and tells the real life story of Christopher McCandless, a young twenty year old who decided to leave society behind and start living anew in the wild. A slow start almost makes you give up on it, but the introduction of a number of charismatic characters saves the film as well as McCandless story of survival, which becomes more and more interesting as the film progresses. Shot on beautiful locations and perfect lighting, it seems the editor must have had a tough job deciding which material to include in the final film. There must have been a whole lot of shots to choose from, which could not have been easy. Even though the story ends on a sad note, it's not sad at all. The film is a celebration of life and the choice of one young man deciding to live it differently. McCandless wasn't at all materialistic. He just wanted to enjoy life's beauty and the beauty this world has to offer. It's a very inspiring story and Penn tells it prefectly. Emile Hirsch who plays McCandless manages to bind the film together, which at the beginning seems to be nothing more than a number of encounters with interesting characters he meets along the way. A beautiful role there is also for Hal Holbrook and the young and extremely beautiful Kristen Stewart brings some sunshine onto the screen. Into The Wild is a beautiful film with beautiful shots and a very powerful story which will bring enjoyment to many. It's one of the best films to be released over the last couple of months and one that has a very small chance to dissapoint.

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