American Gangster is wonderful entertainment and provides the fun you expect from a gangster film. With Denzel Washington and Russel Crowe in the two leads, American Gangster has it all, great powerful performances, suspenseful action scenes and

chases, and a solid story which isn't all that original, but is told superbly. The build up is very strong, a slow start that emerges into an ending that throttles. Washington as Frank Lucas is like a whirlwind, he owns the screen. He is Lucas, big mouth, and a fearceful look in his eyes which almost seems to make his model wife burst into tears instantly. Crowe is good too trying to catch Lucas and meanwhile having some family problems, which provides for a nice extra story giving his character some background and backbone. Ruby Dee as Lucas's mother is amazing, but her role is very small. But still, in those few scenes she has she easily takes over. Endearing, a true momma, she makes for a nice female character, characters this film almost doesn't offer. It's very much a man's world and the film itself can be said to be a guy's kind of film with violence and a lot of gun shooting. Women, however, can enjoy it too, and probably will, because American Gangster just is a very solid film. Fans of films like Goodfellas, will eat Gangster like cake. Ridley Scott has done a great job directing. It's a big film, with a story that crosses boundaries, partly taking place outside of the US. The film overall looks great and is shot at great locations. It's not sure if American Gangster will ever reach the classic status of let's say a Godfather, but it has all the ingredients to at least make it one of the better gangster films and one people in a few years will still pick up and enjoy.
What Is It About?Frank Lucas is a businessman, he knows how to run a business and runs it well. Having learned the essence as a driver for one of the big guys in town, he now starts his own after the man's death. While others keep everything inside the US, Lucas looks at the outside, searching for connections who can help him prosper. With the Vietnam war going on at full force, he finds a way to get drugs cheap and sell it in the US for less than the other businesses he has to compete with. Quickly selling and people becoming dependent on his 'Blue Magic',

he earns loads of money buying a big mansion for his mother to live in, a mother who doesn't ask where the money comes from, even though she has her ideas. Meanwhile there's Richie Roberts, a father of a young boy of whom he is about to lose custody. Working undercover, after one of his partners falls prey to addiction himself, Roberts starts investigating this 'Blue Magic'. Getting a team together he starts trying to get to the core of the business and bring it down. However, it takes long for him to find out who's behind one of the biggest businesses in town, a business that is, as Roberts soon comes to find out, very difficult to take down as some of his own colleagues seem to be involved.
Final Verdict: *****American Gangster is a great film, and one of the best of its genre. It's fun, energetic and includes great dialogue and scenes. Washington shows how to be a real gangster. His acting is great as usual and Gangster provides him with a role he can bite his teeth in. He's perfect for it and a true joy to watch. He knows how to do it and does it well. From beginning to end it's a real thrill ride. Already after a few minutes you start to lick your fingers, because of

the fun of it. Gangster tells a great story and looks great as well. The scenes taking place at night look beautiful and brings the city to life. With the great soundtrack, you also find yourself bopping your head to the beats. Another really great thing is that in a film like this you don't end up choosing for the good guy. The bad guys are bad, real bad, but they're too cool to be not appealing. Like in Goodfellas, you are rooting for them and the more they get angry and kill off a few men, the better. Crowe's character however is very appealing as well, so you end up feeling engaged with both. American Gangster is one of this year's best and maybe the one that is most entertaining and will appeal to the largest audience. It just can not dissapoint.
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