It seems that after this third installment Bourne really has come to stand for quality. Probably the best one of the three, which is a remarkable thing, since the other two are also great, The Bourne Ultimatum has more different locations, brings a female character to the forefront again and is full of great chases by car, motorcycle, and foot, flying from building to building.

It's action-packed fun. What is always a treat is when, besides the action, the performances are great as well, which not always happen in action movies, which most actors see more as a side project and to be just for fun. But with the Bourne movies acting has always been important and has come to be one of its strengths. Matt Damon once again is superb as Jason Bourne. He carries the movie very well and seems to have really grown into his role completely with this third film. Even through the action scenes he still shows so much emotion in his face. The tormented look never goes away. This guy has been through a lot and it shows. Still, however, his softer side always shines through, which makes him a real hero audiences can relate to and will come to root for in difficult times. Joan Allen who was introduced in The Bourne Supremacy, regains her role as Pamela Landy and once again her performance is flawless. The eyes, her posture, it's amazing. She seems to be very good in playing these roles of women in a higher function. David Strathairn gives a strong performance as well and if only his little scene together with Allen at a restaurant has lasted a little longer, it would have been fireworks. It's always nice when actors of such calibre are put together. You feel like watching true actors who know what they're doing. And Allen and Strathairn are real professionals. Julia Stiles who after a very small role in The Bourne Identity and a seemingly larger role in The Bourne Supremacy, finally gets to play a big part in the film. Her role in The Bourne Identity was always so small that if you didn't know who Julia Stiles was, you would look at her as being nothing more than an extra. But now she kind of fills up the void that was left by Marie in the Bourne Supremacy. Since the second one was all about Jason, it was nice to see him with an accomplice again. What's nice about Stiles' character is that you really see how she has developed throughtout the different films. It was clear that in this third part she was more comfortable as a CIA agent, even though she's still very young. Stiles fits the role very well. Because of her young age she seems convincing when it turns out this time around she wants to really help Jason. On the same hand she's still also has this frightenedness, because she's a field agent. Her performance was very convincing as she portrayed an agent who gets involved in things an agent of her position should not get involved in. And though a bit frightened, she did stand her own next to Jason. Overall the action is of pure quality. The fight scenes are amazingly great. Even though it's all happening really fast, you do feel you're real part of it and get to see everything. It is shot wonderfully. You feel like you're in the middle of it and even though the fights happen very fast, they're never too fast that you can't hold up. A great part of the appeal of the Bourne films is that the film has always been filmed at real locations and no studios. When they go to Tangiers, they are in Tangiers. The stunts, partly done by Damon himself look very daring and exciting and make for a really good action movie with a very solid and exciting story. All the elements are there to make of Bourne one of the best action series. It's no wonder the Bourne movies have already been compared to the Jamos Bond series many times.
What is it about?Jason Bourne once again sets out to discover his true identity. Tortured by recurring dreams and thoughts he tries to get in contact with people who seem to know more about the man he once was. After finding out that there's someone inside the CIA who has leaked valid information to a British reporter, the hunt for Bourne once again begins. The reporter who's very

eager to write a breaking story, is given information about a branche of the CIA who used to train agents to become killers serving the country. One of them which was Jason Bourne. After contacting the reporter Jason tries to keep him safe, out of the hands of the CIA. Soon the CIA find out about Bourne's involvement and Pamela Landy is brought into the team leading the hunt as she is very experienced when it comes to Bourne. With Landy on the team again, Jason again is on the run. This time, however, he gets some help from Nicky Parsons, the young CIA agent, who used to be a rookie, but now is one of the bigger players. Together she and Jason set out to find out about the truth, leading to dangerous chases and killers who will do anything to stop the two from getting the truth.
Final Verdict: *****The Bourne Ultimatum is an action packed film, with outstanding camerawork and stunts. Great performances by Joan Allen, Strathairn and Damon lift the film to an higher level and make it stronger than most action flicks. The chases through small streets are perfectly put into view. The camera seems to follow the characters' every trace. It's a great accomplishment

and shows what can be done with the technique of today. Which is great as well is that The Bourne Ultimatum involves a twist that has to do with The Bourne Supremacy. People who haven't seen Supremacy in a long while, may recognize some similarities between a scene that's shown in Supremacy and one that is shown in Ultimatum. They may get a little feeling of d
à vu. People who have Supremacy still fresh in their minds, though, will truly recognize it and get that the two don't just share similarities. The Bourne Ultimatum is one of the most exciting films of this year. It's very well made and gives the Bourne trilogy a firm spot as one of the best in the action genre. It's a great thrill ride with never a dull moment. Don't blink 'cause you don't want to miss a thing. Just take it all in.
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