Starksy & Hutch is a very funny film directed by Todd Philips who also directed the great Old School which also featured roles from Vince Vaughn, Will Ferrell and Juliette Lewis. Way funnier than the old TV series it's based on, Starsky & Hutch is not only a parody of

the series but cops movies in general, hence the reference to Dirty Harry in one of the scenes. What the movie makes so hilarious is the way they take all these sort of sterotypes and clichés you find in the cop buddy genre and enlarge them to an extent that they become so over the top and obvious that you can't help but laugh. The movie seems to believe so much in itself and characters take themselves way too seriously which make them convincing. Actors don't play the joke and try to be funny, but approach their characters with much seriousness and let their weird habits and persona speak for themselves. Ben Stiller who plays David Starksy, for example, approaches his character like he would have done when playing in a serious film. Starky's character traits are already so ridiculous that they don't need to be made into something funny. Starsky who's the total opposite of Hutch, who doesn't care to break the rules and uses his position as a cop to his own advantage, is the one who takes his job very seriously. Stiller gives him this serious confident look on his face which make Starsky think he looks though when he actually doesn't. His bad hair and clothing enhance this. Starsky thinks he's cool when as a viewer you look at him as being one big loser who is more of an embarrassment to himself. Owen Wilson as Hutch got that laid back attitude, that swagger that makes him appealing and great as Hutch. I loved the scene where he plays his guitar and acts all modest pretending he isn't that good, even though he knows he is great at playing guitar and has a voice that will make their two hot cheerleading lady friends swoon. The story isn't all that original, but this film is more about the jokes than the story. And because the jokes keep coming and coming, it's just a joy to watch these two men go from one place to another trying to get the bad guys which makes that you don't really care what it is they're doing as long as it is fun to watch. One thing that was really cool is that the movie still also pays tribute to these classic cop movies and series, using some of the camera shots they so frequently used in those series and that are so typical to the genre. Like, for example, zooming in on Starksy when he has sneaked into Feldman's house and lurks from behind a wall to see what the guy is up to. Also it was really cool to see both Starksy and Hutch all dressed up like Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda in Easy Rider. Besides Stiller and Wilson, Will Ferrell also stars in a minor role, making a very cool appearance as Big Earl, a guy who likes to embroider and make clothes with images of dragons on them. What makes Ferrell great is that he looks like a normal guy, keeping his voice calm and looking all serious. And then when it turns out he has all these weird habits and Hutch has to bend over and do his best dragon impression, you laugh your behind off, because it wasn't at all what you expected from this Big Earl guy who's doing some time in prison. Apporaching his character in the way he does, Ferrell easily avoids falling into the trap of becoming some kind of caricature. Vince Vaughn who's voice alone cracks me up also is excellent as Reese Feldman, the bad guy with his yacht he's so proud of having. And Snoop Dogg, although his acting isn't that great, is a nice additive in his role as Huggy Bear.
What is it about?David Starksy and Ken Hutchinson are two cops with opposite characters who have to team up after some information got spread about some big drugdeal. Bad guy Reese Feldman and his partner Kevin have apparently been able to produce a type of cocaine that doesn't taste like cocaine, but is sweet like sugar, and that is odorless so the police dogs won't recognize it. After finding a dead body lying down the road the two cops set out to invesitgate the case. Hutch who in his spare time likes to hang with some bad guys to uncover some information,

makes a stop at Huggy Bear's place to find out if he has heard some word on the streets that could be linked to the dead guy. Starksy and Hutch find out about Feldman and Kevin via a card of their company that was stuck inside the dead man's wallet. They stop by to interrogate the two men who don't seem to have caused any harm and of whom Feldman is about to organise a bar mitzvah party for his daughter. Further investigation leads the two cops to two sexy cheerleaders whom they try to impress and a guy named Big Earl who's in jail and likes to do some embroidery work. While they pass through their mission they go from one ridiculous looking disguise to another all in order to get the drugs and arrest the men responsible for it.
Final Verdict: ****Starsky & Hutch is ridiculously funny and will have you laughing almost non-stop. There's absolutely nothing in this film that should be taken too seriously. It's all done with a big wink. To me a good comedy is one that is really funny and Starsky & Hutch is definitely funny and fun. The film provides many laughs and I'm sure some scenes will have you laughing hysterically. Just like a movie as Blades Of Glory, Starsky & Hutch combines the talent of some of the best comedians working in Hollywood right now. You can see the actors must have had

lots of fun making the film. The whole cast is well picked and especially Ben Stiller is brilliant as Starksy and I found him to be funnier than in some of his previous films. As Starsky he's so full of himself and he thinks he's so cool, even though he's quite the opposite. I loved Owen and Stiller in their scene where they are trying to impress the two cheerleading girls. Their chemistry in that scene, as well as throughout the rest fo the movie, is great. Starsky & Hutch is a comedy you can best watch with lots of friends, because the jokes are so great you want to tell them to your friends immediately and convince them of how great this film is and they all should see it. So what better way than immediately watch it with friends and enjoy the film together.
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