The story ended at the moment Tomas encountered the guard that will lead to the tree of life. It's now up to Tom to decide wheter he finds the tree and will be given immortality or that he fails, not able to conquer death as he so badly wants to.
Tomas finds the tree but as he drinks from the tree's sap, new life grows, but he himself, dies. All that's left are the flowers that have grown out of him. Queen Isabel and him meet and he's given a seed. Back to the present, Tom goes to Isabel's grave and plants the seed, which shows that the story Izzi's written isn't just based on their life, but really is their life. They've lived that life in the past.
Also, Tom changed the present by following Izzi when she visited Tom at the hospital just before he would go into surgery. Right then, Izzi's still alive. Instead of just dying in hospital, Tom will now make sure Izzi will live forever, like she wanted to. The ending he writes contains all of this.
Just like Tom is shown in the past, he's shown in the future, living in a bubble, an ecosphere, that's floating in space. He meditates and writes with the fountain pen Izzi gave him as a present so he could finish the story. With him in the huge bubble is a big tree. The tree that has grown out of the seed that Tom had planted on his wife's grave, years before when Izzi had just died. Tom spends his days meditating, thinking about the past, about the story, and how he never was able to find immortality. Eventually he has to finish the story. End it. Years later, he has to finally make his last choice. Still haunted by Izzi's voice telling him to finish it. Therefore he starts climbing the tree which has died, finally fully coming to terms with death, realising, also, he will die one day. He has chosen for his wife's believes and apparently has finished writing the story and this is how it ends. He has chosen for the story Izzi believed in, the one her guide told her about the son who planted a seed on his father's grave, out of which grew a tree, a tree of life. Tom, bald and grown old, is finally reunited with Izzi. Now in death they live on forever.
Is it any good?
It is amazing. First off, the music and the images are breathtaking and both Weisz and Jackman give brilliant performances. Jackman is great in this film. I thought he did good in The Prestige, but this one, he's just great. And I actually don't really like him as an actor. But he plays his character really well, easily switching between vulnerability, anger, dertermination, all in showing the struggle Tom goes through. The beautiful close-up's of both actor's faces still haunt you hours after watching the movie. I didn't cry, but I definitely felt the tears in my eyes at some moments and those weren't even the most intense ones.
As for the story, it's great. I don't even know if the summary that i gave above is correct, but that's what makes this movie even better. It's stays open for your own interpretation. It's filled with little details that during the time you watch the movie you can't really place and give you a lot to think about after watching it. Actually, while watching this film you never really get the time to fully rethink everything you have been watching. And it will be afterwards that you really realize how amazing this film is. It's a film that makes you think, wonder, and leaves you puzzled. It's very rich and has lots to offer. You just have to sit and watch and pay really close attention, just let it wash over you. Then at the end, when you've seen everything, and it has ended you can go and put all the pieces together and try to understand everything you've just watched. It's a film you have to see multiple times, which is why it's so good and which is why it will become better everytime you watch it. Everytime you will watch it you will discover new

As a viewer all three stories are presented to you little by little. You're like a conquisitor yourself, going on this quest to decide for yourself which way you will go. Which of the messages will you keep when you'll be finished watching? The film doesn't have a real beginning, middle and end. Therefore you don't really know when the film will end. You're never sure if this is the final ending, if this is the way Tom has decided to finish the story.
As for everyone who disliked this movie. I can understand them, at least a bit. I understand that the way this movie presents itself to the viewer can be too difficult for some people. If you don't have the patience to sit through a beginning of a film without fully being aware of what's going on, then The Fountain isn't for you. The Fountain really challenges you as a viewer, makes you active. And I really appreciate that. You get all these images that take place in different times, and you're allowed to put them together the way you want to. And it really sticks in your head.
So if you do have the patience you'll be rewared, except if you're just really a person without feeling. Someone who only watches movies for some kind of thrill, not longing for a story that will make you think, will make you feel. Some people say this film is a mess or that it's utter crap, which to me makes no sense. Okay, it's alright if you think it's pretentious, that it's trying to be a lot. But why not? Why can't it be? Aronofsky made so much of this story. He really gives you every possibility to look upon this story of a man who's searching for eternal life. Everyone who has a bit of feeling in them at least will find some connection on an emotional level. How can you not feel for Tom on all his travels? How can you just sit watching, without thinking about what you see? If you care about the characters, even just a little, if you can identify with them, feel Tom's pain, his endless struggle, than you would never condemn this movie to the statement 'utter crap'. Because, fact is, it isn't. Everybody should be able to relate to everything this movie offers.
It's just like people saying Lost In Translation is boring. For me, I love it when a movie makes me think. Makes me realize things I never realized before or which I haven't realized in a long time. Or just a film that's on the same wave lenght as I am. The Fountain is just like a big pile of thoughts that keep changing. It just shows the whole thinking process and Tom's mind that's about to explode, because he just don't know what to do anymore.
The Fountain really is beautiful, exceptional, extraordinary even. You can really see that it's a very personal movie, which makes me feel very privileged as a viewer. Aronofsky really takes you into this story, into his world. This is how he sees things. I love that he allows his viewers to get this close to him, to his vision. It's a very powerful film with a lot of heart. Just one man, one, I guess you can say hopeless romantic, that doens't want to except his wife is going to die. How great is that! I myself, don't think I would ever really be able to except something like that. I don't think I could ever fully make piece with the fact that my wife is dying either. Just the thought that your wife will leave you forever and there's nothing you can do. It's devastating and oh so brave of this man, Tom, to try and conquer death. Why not try, even though you know you won't be able to stop death, but at least you haven't given in that easily. It's about that kind of power, this movie. It's about that strong love, that powerful love. Really, how can you not be intrigued by the way this film tells this story.
Is it a must-see?
Wheter you'll like it or not. Just go see it! Yes, it's a MUST see. The images look wonderful. This is a film you want to linger in forever. It's Aronofsky's masterpiece. It's poetry, proze, a painting, a love song, it's everything you can imagine and beyond. And if you won't like it, too bad. But if you do like it, than I'm sure you'll love it. It's a gem of a film. Therefore, it's a must-see. A must-see is a film that's just isn't so and so, but is really good. And this one is just that.

Is it inspiring?
Very. If I would ever be able to make a movie, than this is how I would have wanted it to be. A story about love this strong, beautiful music, acting and images. And a story that is told in a way that has just that little bit of extra complexity that makes it a bit hard to grab. That's what a good movie should be. One that makes you think, long after you've seen it, a movie that sticks and you want to watch over and over again. Darren, you're my hero! This movie was a risk, it's very personal, which make it so nice. You really feel the envolvement. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who can look at life this way.
Best scene
Even though there are many great moments in this movie, e.g. the wonderful tears rolling from both of Jackman's eyes; Izzi sitting on the roof looking at Xibalba; the best scene in my opinion is when Tomas finds the tree of life and drinks from it's sap. A drop falls on the ground and this beautiful white flower starts to grow out of the ground. Then Tomas tries to heal his wound. First it just seems to heal, but suddenly flower starts to grow out of it and before he can do anything, more flowers grow and he eventually falls to the ground. All that's left are flowers and Tomas is death, the flowers have burries him next to the tree of life. This scene really made me go: wow! It was that good, and very unexpected. Wonderful moment.
Best piece of dialogue
I love the dialogue in this movie. Everything that is said is said for a reason, you have to pay close attention. And the things they say are very beautiful and very deep. But a line I really liked was: 'Every shadow no matter how deep is threatened by morning light.' (Izzi/Isabel)
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